
<aside> đź’ˇ What is a value? Values are beliefs that guide who we are, why we are, what we do, and how we co-exist in community together. Read the essays below to learn about our core values.


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Radical Generosity

Giving creates and strengthens relationships, and is core to creating a new world where all forms of capital are in flow to support one another. Radical generosity puts us in connection with one another, overcoming myths of separation and scarcity.

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Every person should have the ability to reach their own potential and not be actively prevented from doing so by systems, paradigms, or processes that exclude, oppress, and discriminate.

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You have everything you need, right now, in this moment, within yourself and within this community to continue on your path. We do not act in fear, but in trust and love.

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You don’t need to ask for permission to jump in. All you need to do is offer your hand, see if others resonate with your idea, and start building together.

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“Transform yourself to transform the world”. There is no systems transformation without self-transformation, and there is no individual and collective freedom without systems transformation.

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In Right Relationship

Transforming systems means being in right relationship with ourselves, each other, and the planet. We are all interconnected, and we build at the speed of trust — transitioning from transactional exchanges to relationships of mutual respect.

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<aside> đź’ˇ What are protocols? Protocols are sets of principles or beliefs, based on our values, that guide and inform our decision making, our priorities, and our practices.

Welcome IN

Activating is an invitation to bring your whole self and all of your unique gifts to the community - thank you for taking a leap of trust. We are here to support your transformation with love and compassion, wherever you are in your journey.

We have everything we need

We have all that we need in this network to reach our potential. We are here with our sleeves rolled up, ready to help one another. We invite our community to learn about, embrace and celebrate their unique gifts and talents, activating them to their highest potential on our shared journey together.

Build at the speed of trust

Everything is relationships. Our community and ecosystem is a co-created environment built on trust, mutual respect, and reciprocity. We take our time and we consider the future. We are considerate of each other in our actions AND we are not here to give or get permission to build the world we need. Read more

On your own terms

We are all at different ages + stages, and we all bring different lived experiences. We trust each person’s inherent agency and intuition to choose and create the conditions they need to thrive and the ways in which they participate in the community. Read more

Follow the energy

We honour ourselves by nurturing our bodies, minds, hearts and spirits - we listen to ourselves and each other, ask for what we need, and rest and flow with our energy. We notice what energy is coming at us, what the community needs in the moment, and take the path of least resistance. Read more

Live out loud

We believe in the power of storytelling to inspire imagination and change the world. We celebrate and embolden each other. We amplify each other’s voices. We own our greatness. We are co-creating a new shared narrative.

Unlearn our conditioning

Our collective healing and transformation requires us to unlearn the capitalist systems and colonial narratives we have been taught our entire lives and step back to observe, relearn, and actively listen to ourselves, our spirits, each other and the collective energies. We create safer, braver spaces to learn/unlearn and step into our collective transformation.

Community care

We take care of ourselves, each other and our community. We reach out, show up for one another, gather regularly, and build meaningful relationships with ourselves and each other rooted in kindness and compassion. We understand that self-care alone does not address systemic inequities and that community care is vital to our collective transformation.

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<aside> đź’ˇ What is a practice? Practices are how we live our values and protocols on a day-to-day basis. Practices are situational, habitual, and actionable.


When we build communities of care and practice, we create braver spaces for everyone to show up as they are. We are working towards applying a trauma-informed and anti-oppression lens to our work and relationships - and we know that this is a journey and an ongoing practice. Sometimes, we won’t get it right, but we are committed to doing the work and doing things better. We recognize the value of being with discomfort and will stay curious about, and reflect on, any discomfort as it arises along this journey. Below are some of the ways we live our values and protocols daily on the HQ team and in the community.

How we invite and show care