
<aside> 💫 What Happened, What’s Next

  1. We revealed 3 name options to the community and gave power to our community to put it forth for a vote. In case you missed it, click here to see the slides presented for the 3 options we seeded in the community for voting.
  2. Check the results and reflections below for how the community voted.
  3. Breathe and let it sit with you.
  4. From now until March 7th, 2022 in CA / US / UK (that’s March 8th in AU / NZ / UK) We’ll launch a final one-click poll to the community to ask you...

A) Would you like to move forward with this new name?

B) Would you like to take it back to the drawing board?


Here’s how we voted and what’s next...


[Click here if you are viewing on mobile and having difficulty viewing the chart. ](

Click here if you are viewing on mobile and having difficulty viewing the chart.

Reflections We Heard

<aside> ✨ Activated


<aside> ✨ Amargi


<aside> ✨ &collectively


General Reflections